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Friday, January 19, 2007

Murphy lives with me

Everytime I have an assignment that requires me to travel or stay back late at work, invariably my husband has to go out of station or has career-defining meeting at work. Not just that, my in-laws have also some compelling work on that same day or evening. So it becomes a tumultous task of assigning who will baby-sit Sahaana.

It is probably the umpteenth time today that I will have to excuse myself from joining the rest of the team, this time, for an off-site planned at city outskirts for the weekend. What else, my advanced pregnancy as an excuse! Sriram is in Bombay (havent got myself to call it Mumbai yet) and will be back only on Sunday morning. My in-laws are already exhausted with the additional chores of picking and dropping Sahaana to her play-school, the last couple of days. And to add to this, Sahaana has started clinging on to me in the nights, perhaps an insecurity phase with the birth of the new baby just a couple of months away now!

Even if I make it to ICRISAT on Saturday (will send Sahaana to her play school for a couple of hours), I will have to return the same evening...wonder how will I manage the transport? And may have to go in for a few hours on Sunday, afterall they are going to determine our KPIs for the year. I only pray Sriram manages to come early that day and takes over from my ILs.

I have another 10 days to go only before I go on my maternity leave. I will be working from home in Feb, but atleast wont be required at events from then on. And then I am off to my Mama's place to Bombay..hey hey!!

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